Accueil> Produits > Biologie moléculaire > End-Point PCR



End-Point PCR
Standard & High Throughput PCR


Nowadays, PCR is an indispensable technique used in medical and biological Research labs. Developed in 1983, PCR is a versatile technique that allows a wide spectrum of applications. From the simplest applications, an amplification using plasmid or genomic sequences as template, to the Diagnosis of Hereditary or infectious diseases, the identification of Genetic fingerprints for Cloning, Mutagenesis, Sequencing or the analysis of Gene function.


Canvax™ offers a complete range of high quality PCR products with a proven track record of greatest performance in most common applications, like Routine PCR, Hot Start & Real Time PCR, High Fidelity PCR, Ultra High Fidelity, and more related Polymerases and Enzymes. Our Horse-Power™ and FastPANGEA™ products are specially designed to enhance the results of your research.




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